How much does SEO cost?
SEO needs patience and constant effort
Everyone asks this one question when they come to me for SEO.'How much does it cost? ', 'When will my site come to first page?'.
It is always good to know what will be the total cost you will meet for SEO. But the reality is you cannot estimate the SEO cost for any website. There is no limit for how much seo can be done for a website in a particular period of time. Let me put this in simple words. If you are suffering from a chronic disease, the doctor prescribe you some medicines and ask you take it regularly for 3 months. Why the doctor did not tell you to take 3 months medicine in one day or two? Because, it will not work that way. Your body can take only a particular amount of medicine and too much of it will cause serious side effects. The same logic applies for SEO. It is like treating your website and improving its health. So it just can't happen in one day.
When the prescribed medicines are taken regularly, some people recover fast from the disease and show improvements, but some may not improve as fast as the other person. Same way, certain websites show quick improvements in their rank and reach the fast page very soon. Whereas, some websites take too long to show progress in their ranks. The difference lies in the structure of the website. If the website design is too old and doesn't comply with the latest html standards, then it is difficult to improve its rank. If you are planning to promote your online business, first start with the design and structure of the website. Avoid nested tables, flash, inline css and outdated html like <marquee>, <iframe> etc. These things can have negative impact on SEO.
So, now you had the prescribed medicines regularly for 3 months and you see some improvement. The doctor does not ask you to stop the medicines. He says, you need to continue the prescribed medicines for few more months, to completely cure the disease. Or, in some cases, the doctor may prescribe a new set of medicines because the old medicines did not give expected results. This is how even SEO works. No one can say in how many months your website can reach the first page rank. You need to undergo the seo process for few months and then decide. If your website is progressing every month, continue the same seo process for some more months. If you reached the first page rank, don't stop SEO. Continue the SEO process for some more months so that you retain that position for long time.
Just like how new diseases emerge every now and then, search engines like Google refine their ranking logic constantly, calling it as an algorithm update. Each time they update their algorithm, the rankings change, websites with strong seo almost retain their same rank, whereas the weak seo websites meet heavy fall in their rank.
So, next time when you go for seo, do not ask, 'How much it will cost and in how many months my website reach first page ?'. Try an seo expert for your website. If you don't see any progress, try another seo expert. For your seo needs contact seo in coimbatore